First Friday – Five Favorite Things – Nearly Gone

October 6, 2014 | Comment

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by Elle Cosimano

Elle Cosimano

This past Friday, October 3, 2014,
Marcy and I posted our answers to Elle’s fantastic debut novel,
Nearly Gone.
Today, you get to read Elle’s favorite’s. We hope you enjoy reading them as much we enjoyed reading the novel.

 What is your favorite line or paragraph from the novel
as it relates to the main character’s development and/or growth?
Hard science follows rules. Its assertions are quantifiable and
concrete. Clamp down the facts under a bright light and magnify them to the 10x
power until the details are so clear, the truth isn’t a matter of debate. It
just is.
2) What is your favorite chapter ending or cliffhanger?
The room was pink with twilight shadows.
Found a stray cat.
Think he belongs to you.
Tonight @9. The answer’s in the box.
I checked the clock and pulled out my phone.
Less than one hour to find him.
3) Who is your favorite secondary character and why?
I’m head over heels in love with Lonny Johnson. He takes “bad”
to a whole new (and deadly) level, which should make him completely unlikeable.
He’s a violent drug dealer, powerful within his community and terrifying to
look at. But Lonny is street-smart and astute, wise beyond his years, and these
layers to his character are so much fun to write.
4) What is your favorite line or paragraph of description?
We zoomed down the street, the bike leaning into the curves,
wind whipping over me. The faster we went, the more Reece’s bitterness faded. I
pressed into his back until all I could smell was the leather tang of his
jacket, and all I could taste was the sweet thrill of flying away.
5) What is your favorite line of dialogue?
Nearly is an analytical thinker with a scientific mind. One day,
while tutoring Reece Whelan, she tells him, “Just because it’s
complicated, doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution.” 
I feel like this
one line captures so much of her intelligence, her resilience, and her spirit.
Congratulations to Elle on her debut novel Nearly Gone.
We can’t wait to read Nearly Found in
June 2015! You can check out Elle’s October 2nd Huffington Post article and cover reveal.
To find out more about Elle, check out the following links:
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