Verla Kay

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Query Formatting Tips


Dave Amaditz

I’ve been busy submitting to agents as of late and have noticed most do not accept queries sent through snail mail. There are a lot of benefits to this, mainly the speed with which you can submit as well as the postage you save.

But I’ve often wondered if there is a different or better way to format an e-query and have read on different sites some suggestions. None of them, however, made complete sense to me as to the why and how of formatting until I was forwarded a link from Marcy, a fellow blogger here at Route 19 writers. After reading, it became clear, for example, where to place your contact information and your website address, if you have one, and also why it would benefit you by doing it that way. To find out the details, and perhaps clear some of your confusion, click on the link below, from Jill Corcoran, literary agent at the Herman Agency.

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